This Year:
2020 - 2nd Annual Nine & DINE
Canadian Tire Perth
Huge thank you to Mr. Hoffstader from our Local Canadian Tire for sponsoring a hole at our most recent event! Top Shelf
The incredible Top Shelf team generously donated prizes for our closed-bid auction. BrokerLink INC.
Sue Landry of BrokerLink Inc. was also our Golf Committee Lead. Sue donated an incredible amount of time to pull this event together and provided prizes for this event. Wawanesa Insurance
The Wawanesa team generously donated prizes for our closed-bid auction. The Beach House
The Beach House team generously donated a prize for our closed-bid auction! Perth Outfitters
This amazing team donated prizes for our closed-bid auction. Ann & Dave Trick
Ann also sat on our Golf Committee and donated an incredible amount of time to this event. They also generously sponsored a hole at our event! RBC PErth
Jim Noble of RBC Perth generously sponsored a hole at this event. Dairy Queen Perth
Generously donated prizes for our closed-bid auction. CC's on the Rideau
Generously donated prizes for our closed-bid auction. Rob Roy's Pub
Dan Cyr generously sponsored a hole at our event and donated prizes for our closed-bid auction. BarnABE's Independent
Matthew and Cressida Barnabe donated a massive prize for our closed-bid auction. Sheri Mahon-Fournier
Sheri Mahon-Fournier donated an incredible amount of prizes for this event that were used for the closed-bid auction. |
Our 2nd Annual (---physically distanced---) Nine & Dine for LCCJ was a great success! We want to thank everyone who contributed to this event, especially our amazing hosts at the Perth Golf Course. We also wanted to give another round of applause to our Golf Committee for all of the work that they put into this event to ensure that it was safe and fun! In addition, these are some of the amazing community sponsors who helped us make the Nine & Dine a hit this year:
2020 - Thank You Craig Cardiff!
Our friend Craig Cardiff came forward, on his own initiative, to put on not one but TWO fundraising concerts for Lanark County Community Justice on March 7th, 2020.
Craig generously donated 100% of the proceeds from these events to Community Justice and has promised to provide another concert in 2020/21! THANK YOU, Craig, and everyone who attended. Your support is very much appreciated and we are thrilled that you were able to attend such a wonderful community experience. We are excited to deliver details on the next Craig Cardiff concert, and we hope you will be able to join us for our future event. Stay safe and stay tuned! |
2020 - Perth Polar Bear Plunge for LCCJ (--POSTPONED TO 2021--)
Did you hear!?
Lanark County Community Justice is the proud recipient of the 2021 Perth Polar Bear Plunge fundraiser! We have built new website pages for you to learn all about this event and how to get involved, let's get started! |
All Previous Years:
2018 - Maybe...It's Not Rocket Science
Hi, Me again
Still being antagonized by the media outlets, combative opinions and impairing stories. And then I saw this photo And I cried. And cried some more. And I took a deep breath in. And I exhaled loudly. A lot of emotion, a lot of feeling and even more opinions. I have been struggling with the questions and self doubt Am I doing enough? Am I making a difference? Is this the best path for me? Did I make the right choice? And then I saw this photo and it all came overflowing out of me. Dr. Ford had her voice heard. Dr Ford empowered herself Dr Ford validated her story |
And in this, Others have a Voice. Others were Empowered. Others were Validated
This was not something Dr Ford set out to do, to change the world, to become a historic figure in the Me-Too Movement. This was not a career move. You do not have to be the biggest, loudest most impressive to make epic change. There is a PROFOUND MAGIC that can occur when an individual has their voice heard, their needs met, their personal experience validated. Giving someone that safe space to feel accepted and witnessed is incredibly powerful. You do not need to be a cardio thoracic god, a powerful lawyer or an environmental engineer to make a difference. You just need to
Be the person you needed when you were younger.” ― Ayesha Siddiqi
Remember when you were younger or going through a rough time; when there was no one to talk to. You needed someone to have your back, believe you, not judge you and not blame you. This is something we can all do. Easily. A cup of coffee and a good ear has the power to make changes that shift lives and creates movements. When you bear witness to someone’s story, compassionately, empathetically, without judgement or blame, you turn off the bodies stress
response, minimizing stress hormones and encourage the nervous system to relax and release healing hormones (oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins.) We can literally dissolve feelings of disconnection.
Creating connection can and does change the trajectory of lives.
For more information, to talk or have a comment on how to create safe space, to create conversations and connection without judgement or blame please feel free to contact us at
By Phone : 613 264 1558 Email at [email protected] Facebook @LanarkCountyCommunityJustice Twitter LCCommJustice
Instagram LCCommJustice
Creating connection can and does change the trajectory of lives.
For more information, to talk or have a comment on how to create safe space, to create conversations and connection without judgement or blame please feel free to contact us at
By Phone : 613 264 1558 Email at [email protected] Facebook @LanarkCountyCommunityJustice Twitter LCCommJustice
Instagram LCCommJustice
2018 - Communication within the classroom
As human beings we are hardwired to connect. We communicate all day everyday. Through our words and our actions. We are continually providing a feedback response, to any and all events and occurrences that we are faced and surrounded by. The feedback we give, whether consciously or unconsciously, will provide a positive or negative influence. This week within our Be Strong team we have been talking about our own communication style and the hows, whats and whys of communication.
A personal expression of feeling in response to others' positive or negative behaviors" - Laura Mirsky
Affective statements are a powerful tool to allow for open and safe conversation, especially in the midst of confrontation. They allow us to state our feelings and address the childs needs.
" The preparation phase is anything we do to prepare ourselves and young people to be involved in the restorative interaction. The participation phase is where the talking and listening take place between those involved in the issue or incident and where resolution is sought. The follow up phase is what takes place afterward to support students to understand the new expectations of behavior and to make the agreed changes, or to follow through with the agreed restitution." -Bill Hansberry. A Practical Introduction to Restorative Practices in Schools, Theory , Skills and Guidance pg. 131 Watch the Video To Hear More !! |
2018 - the joy of five
The Joy of Five
"A young child is, indeed, a true scientist, just one big question mark. What? Why? How? I never cease to marvel at the recurring miracle of growth, to be fascinated by the mystery and wonder of this brave enthusiasm."
Victoria Wagner I have been spending a lot of my time with four and five year children. In the school system we call them "Kinders". This is my favorite age in children. Kids at this stage in their lives are incredibly intuitive, astute and inquisitive. |
Everything around them is exciting, new, an opportunity to know "why?" The world is their oyster and they are starving for the pearl; they are voracious in their appetites to "know".
Kids are so curious; they want to know how everything works, why does it work that way and how did it get that way. They love to be in the know, especially if they are the "first" to know. And then they cannot wait to share what they know with everyone they come in contact with. And this new knowledge never gets old! But it does get bigger because kids always want to know more about this new thing they have learned. Some will ask for books about the subject of their curiosity, they will ask to Google it and they will ask anyone who they meet who may look like they might have some knowledge on the subject: "What do you know about...?" When you tell them what you know, they listen. They really listen and you can see them thinking about every word you are saying and dissecting it and examining it. And then it happens; they ask "Why?"
"Why" then brings out the Philosophers inside them. The suppositions and imaginings of a five year old are nothing short of genius. They are creative in their thinking and can create scenarios that are so far "outside the box" of any adult that if you allowed yourself to jump on their train of thought, you would actually see that this kid is AMAZING! The WORLD is amazing! Every thing that happens in our daily lives that we take for granted or do without even thinking about anymore is absolutely fascinating to a five year old. Like, why does a balloon "get squishy" (or, shrink) when it is taken outside in to the cold and then gets "fat" again when you bring it inside? The question is formed from accurate and astute observation. And the child is completely energized when you tell him that it is because of the molecules inside staying close together and moving slower in the cold and so the balloon deflates, or gets smaller. And then he wants to know what the molecules do when they get warm and so you tell him that the molecules move faster and spread out and they fill up the balloon again. By this time he is so totally taken in by the thought of MOLECULES that he is almost beside himself with curiosity and excitement. And from there, the sky is the limit!
Five year olds have a great perspective on fairness and equality. When you are five, everyone else who is five is just the same as you. You are five, I am five, we are the same. They do not exclude one another based on skin colour or appearance. They do not discriminate based on religion or how much money your mommy and daddy make. If you have a new toy that they do not have, they are happy for you and tell you so. They are more honest and just in their exclusion of a peer. If you take my toy, I will take it back and I will not play with you. If you hurt me, I may hurt you back, but I will definitely not play with you. If you are not willing to share or play by the rules, you cannot play with me. If you tell me you are sorry, I will forgive you and we will be friends again. We encourage children to "play nice" and "be fair", but they already know how to do that. Just watch five year olds interact with one another; they do not need an adult to tell them what is fair or right. They know. And they will advocate for themselves and their friends very effectively. It's the adults in the room that could learn from the children and their intrinsic knowledge of what is fair and just.
Being in the company of five year olds is best when you allow your self to become five again. See the world through their eyes, ask the "silly" questions, colour outside the lines, draw an imaginary creature from the planet Kookoohead. Make paper airplanes and fly them. Build towers with blocks and then knock them down. Eat chocolate pudding with your fingers. When your friend tells a knock knock joke with no punch line, laugh. Laugh from your belly, laugh from your toes because burps and farts are HILARIOUS! And boogers are gross, but can be tasty (I don't eat mine, but I know they should be named a food group for some kids).
For me, spending time with five year olds is a guarantee that I will experience joy and wonderment again. The world will become a magical place, even if just for awhile. I will feel hopeful for the future. Everything seems brighter, lighter and shinier after I have been in the company of a five year old. They are truly a gift and ,I myself, am grateful for them.
Kids are so curious; they want to know how everything works, why does it work that way and how did it get that way. They love to be in the know, especially if they are the "first" to know. And then they cannot wait to share what they know with everyone they come in contact with. And this new knowledge never gets old! But it does get bigger because kids always want to know more about this new thing they have learned. Some will ask for books about the subject of their curiosity, they will ask to Google it and they will ask anyone who they meet who may look like they might have some knowledge on the subject: "What do you know about...?" When you tell them what you know, they listen. They really listen and you can see them thinking about every word you are saying and dissecting it and examining it. And then it happens; they ask "Why?"
"Why" then brings out the Philosophers inside them. The suppositions and imaginings of a five year old are nothing short of genius. They are creative in their thinking and can create scenarios that are so far "outside the box" of any adult that if you allowed yourself to jump on their train of thought, you would actually see that this kid is AMAZING! The WORLD is amazing! Every thing that happens in our daily lives that we take for granted or do without even thinking about anymore is absolutely fascinating to a five year old. Like, why does a balloon "get squishy" (or, shrink) when it is taken outside in to the cold and then gets "fat" again when you bring it inside? The question is formed from accurate and astute observation. And the child is completely energized when you tell him that it is because of the molecules inside staying close together and moving slower in the cold and so the balloon deflates, or gets smaller. And then he wants to know what the molecules do when they get warm and so you tell him that the molecules move faster and spread out and they fill up the balloon again. By this time he is so totally taken in by the thought of MOLECULES that he is almost beside himself with curiosity and excitement. And from there, the sky is the limit!
Five year olds have a great perspective on fairness and equality. When you are five, everyone else who is five is just the same as you. You are five, I am five, we are the same. They do not exclude one another based on skin colour or appearance. They do not discriminate based on religion or how much money your mommy and daddy make. If you have a new toy that they do not have, they are happy for you and tell you so. They are more honest and just in their exclusion of a peer. If you take my toy, I will take it back and I will not play with you. If you hurt me, I may hurt you back, but I will definitely not play with you. If you are not willing to share or play by the rules, you cannot play with me. If you tell me you are sorry, I will forgive you and we will be friends again. We encourage children to "play nice" and "be fair", but they already know how to do that. Just watch five year olds interact with one another; they do not need an adult to tell them what is fair or right. They know. And they will advocate for themselves and their friends very effectively. It's the adults in the room that could learn from the children and their intrinsic knowledge of what is fair and just.
Being in the company of five year olds is best when you allow your self to become five again. See the world through their eyes, ask the "silly" questions, colour outside the lines, draw an imaginary creature from the planet Kookoohead. Make paper airplanes and fly them. Build towers with blocks and then knock them down. Eat chocolate pudding with your fingers. When your friend tells a knock knock joke with no punch line, laugh. Laugh from your belly, laugh from your toes because burps and farts are HILARIOUS! And boogers are gross, but can be tasty (I don't eat mine, but I know they should be named a food group for some kids).
For me, spending time with five year olds is a guarantee that I will experience joy and wonderment again. The world will become a magical place, even if just for awhile. I will feel hopeful for the future. Everything seems brighter, lighter and shinier after I have been in the company of a five year old. They are truly a gift and ,I myself, am grateful for them.
2018 - 30 in 30 Fundraising Campaign
We did it!
With your generosity and support $30,000 was raised in 30 days which allows LCCJ to move forward with our core program(s) for the next year. We live in an amazing community - one that supports and appreciates the programs run by the many not for profit groups in our community.
Times remain tough for organizations such as ours - but what has been proven in the last 30 days is that we pull together - our community partners stepped up and helped in any way they could and the response from individuals was nothing short of amazing. We will take the next year to build a solid donor base, ensure sustainable fundraising activities and explore options such as shared services with other small not for profits and will continue to work with our supportive community partners.
2018 - Books we love to read and re-read!
2018 - Annual General Meeting
August 10th 2018
Please join us for our Annual General meeting on monday, September 10th, 2018.
We will be hosting it this year at the North Lanark Community Health Centre
from 6:30-8:30pm.
Please RSVP to [email protected] if you can attend, we'd love to see you there.
2018 - Earth Creation and Connection with the Soil
July 26th 2018
Sitting in the circle with people feeling a need to connect with one another and with the land is an act of reconciliation not only with oneself but also with one's personal relationship with the planet that so many of us remain disconnected from everyday.
Why? Our social condition does not necessarily feed into people's need to stop, sit, breath and offer eye-contact with undivided attention to the person communicating. Rather, the state of our society as a whole relinquishes the human-nature connection and replaces it with overwhelming demands of a fast paced lifestyle that is inundated by screens, hectic schedules, paved playgrounds, texting to the person sitting next to you, fast food... |
This pace is not sustainable, nor is it restorative and will inevitably lead one into emotional break-down, isolation, depression, exhaustion and a lack of capacity to understand and share feelings with one another.
The other day I experienced the honour of sitting and listening to personal stories with others on the land in a knowledge sharing circle at The Table in Perth.
We passed the talking piece and shared perspectives surrounding earth creation, connection and soil building.
We sat and listened to each other's stories about past history when feeling connected to the land.
Passionate tears and memories of nature connection were shared.
Fungi, mycelium, the diversity of the plant world, observing and reading the soil while intuitively connecting to one's garden, farming, feeding the soil, feeding the community and how the fertile soil is considered to be a non-renewable resource were all topics of interest in the circle.
I walked away from this knowledge sharing circle experience feeling restored and revitalized in knowing that connection is not becoming obsolete and there are ways of practicing reconciliation and restorative communication through connecting with others while being out in nature sharing the land. I personally thrive on connection and have experienced profound growth in myself and others when we allow time to seek the silence in nature and then share our nature-connection experiences with others.
This experience opens the door of opportunity to restoratively connect in a multifaceted way which includes growth in our inner emotional balance, our physical health, our mental confidence as well as growth in our spiritual and cultural relationship with our planet and with our community.
2018 - The World Needs More Restorers
July 10th 2018
Whether getting your information from the news, social media, or word of mouth, we’re constantly having opinions, trauma and downright negative vibes shoved down your throat. We are continually confronted by mass emotions from mass events, with nowhere to put them.
We stuff it down, or we join the defense. There is no space anymore to express our feelings without being attacked. There’s a sense of disconnect from others and the world around us. We feel the need to pick a side and fight for it. We are desperate for connection, yet persist in fixating on our differences. The Dalai Lama observed, The Planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, more healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds"
We stuff it down, or we join the defense. There is no space anymore to express our feelings without being attacked. There’s a sense of disconnect from others and the world around us. We feel the need to pick a side and fight for it. We are desperate for connection, yet persist in fixating on our differences. The Dalai Lama observed, The Planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, more healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds"
The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, more healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds”- The Dalai Lama
I think many of us can agree that while Donald Trump may be successful, we could certainly use a lot less of him.
I choose restorers.
I choose to rebuild broken ties.
I choose re-establishing a positive dialogue.
Re-building self-confidence. Identifying individual needs and addressing them. Lets talk about how difficult things are at home. Lets talk about how messed up the world is and how that makes us feel. Lets talk about racism and feminism and sexual fluidity to understand each other. Lets talk openly and connect, rather then picking sides of defence or offence.
I choose restorers.
I choose to rebuild broken ties.
I choose re-establishing a positive dialogue.
Re-building self-confidence. Identifying individual needs and addressing them. Lets talk about how difficult things are at home. Lets talk about how messed up the world is and how that makes us feel. Lets talk about racism and feminism and sexual fluidity to understand each other. Lets talk openly and connect, rather then picking sides of defence or offence.
Listen to Understand |
In my own relationships, I challenge myself to actually listen to understand. In our home we use a talking piece (Yes we actually do. My partner thought I was crazy when I first brought out a hair brush and said he could only speak when holding it.) whenever conversations get heated. Not only can we hear each other (loud and clear) now, but we can also focus on understanding each other, instead of preparing our retort because we fear never get a chance have our say.
it.) whenever conversations get heated. Not only can we hear each other (loud and clear) now, but we can also focus on understanding each other, instead of preparing our retortbecause we fear never get a chance have our say.
I challenge you to [start within your safest, most comfortable, relationships] have those difficult conversations and express how you are feeling AND allow the other participant to do the same.
When your mother, brother, grandparent, best friend, teacher, student, stranger becomes angry or unsettled or impolite.
Sit back and take a moment and think hmmm this individual is acting out, I wonder why?
Take it a step further and ask what do they need?How can you help?
Rather then sitting and judging and making assumptions that this person is an idiot, let empathy be your driving force.
We love to hear from you, so don't forget to comment below, message us on Facebook or tweet at us how it went! @lccommjustice #restorativelanarkcounty
I challenge you to [start within your safest, most comfortable, relationships] have those difficult conversations and express how you are feeling AND allow the other participant to do the same.
When your mother, brother, grandparent, best friend, teacher, student, stranger becomes angry or unsettled or impolite.
Sit back and take a moment and think hmmm this individual is acting out, I wonder why?
Take it a step further and ask what do they need?How can you help?
Rather then sitting and judging and making assumptions that this person is an idiot, let empathy be your driving force.
We love to hear from you, so don't forget to comment below, message us on Facebook or tweet at us how it went! @lccommjustice #restorativelanarkcounty
2018 - Together Let's Craft A RESTORATIVE COMMUNITY
June 26th 2018
Imagine if during a conflict, you weren’t interrupted while arguing your point. If in turn, you took the time to listen to your “opponent” instead of preparing a retort.
Imagine a community where we could confront wrongdoers in a respectful manner allowing them time to reflect on what they did and how their actions impacted others. Easier said then done.
Restorative Practices have the power to create connection, strengthen relationships, and repair harm. |
Join us for a free skill building workshop to engage in the growing conversation around how to help those around us through positive social responses and restorative practices. Explore the impacts of trauma, strategies to create safe places and how to support anyone in your life who is struggling or experiencing some form of trauma or difficulty. The workshops are open to anyone and everyone and suitable for community members, parents, coaches, book clubs, faith groups, mom groups, service providers.
Join us for a free skill building workshop to engage in the growing conversation around how to help those around us through positive social responses and restorative practices. Explore the impacts of trauma, strategies to create safe places and how to support anyone in your life who is struggling or experiencing some form of trauma or difficulty. The workshops are open to anyone and everyone and suitable for community members, parents, coaches, book clubs, faith groups, mom groups, service providers.
2018 - Community Workshops
Individuals can register for any one of the free scheduled community workshops, OR if you have a group they can come to you!!
For any questions or further information just call at 613 430 4441 or email at [email protected] Restorative Practices, Restorative Schools, ACES, Toxic Stress, Community Development, Relationships, Children, Parents, Coaches, Service Providers,
2018 - Conflict Resolution: Circle Sharing IS NOT ALWAYS A PEACEFUL PROCESS
April 28th 2018
I have written about how the guidelines of the circle are a set of expectations to follow in order for a positive peaceful resolution to occur. But (the big BUT), what if people ignore the guidelines, whether it be due to emotional trauma, confusion or anger? What if conflict causes one to speak out of turn, disagree, disrupt the guidelines or overstep boundaries and thus treat others in the circle negatively and at the same time lose his or her own integrity? Losing one's integrity is the price one pays when disrespecting the circle guidelines and one must answer to his/her own woes while looking in the mirror. There is no excuse for disrespectful behaviour in the circle and under these circumstances peaceful communication is, beyond a doubt, hard work for all involved.
Whether i be a circle facilitator or a participant, it is my intention to take full responsibility to acknowledge an error of disrespectful behaviour and/or misdirected judgement. Through acknowledgement, one becomes vulnerable and when one is courageous enough to reveal their vulnerabilities by admitting their wrongs in (and out of) the circle, then opportunity rises for healing to begin. When one acknowledges their disrespect to others in the circle, then the act of disrespect becomes a good teacher for all involved and integrity is offered space to save face.
Circle Sharing is a complex process. Among each of its' members, there is a diversity of life experiences attached, cultural differences and/or cell memory from lifetimes past to mitigate.
The Circle Resolution process, is just that- a process. One must remember that there are no two circles alike. There are times when the circles do not work for everyone and one needs to accept and walk away until all feel safe to return- if they return at all. It is a difficult part of the process to accept that there will be no resolution. Accepting that there will not be reconciliation is a process of its own. Time heals but at the same time, there is no specific time-line for the healing process to occur. One needs to sit and reflect in patience until the healing process comes around full circle in every sense of the word- and it may take generations before reconciliation to occur, or resolution may happen in a 20 minute circle sharing experience. To each his/her own healing process.
If it is not the right time for people to come to terms together, then it's time for all parties to leave the circle, go back to their corners to reflect on their own responsibilities for wrong doings and/or right doings. When people are able to speak from the heart, listen from the heart and represent themselves without placing blame and shame onto others, then a resolution may be the result.
Communication can be very complex. I have my circle work cut out for me, answer to my faults, integrity and dignity to uphold.
It is never too late to call a circle.
Whether i be a circle facilitator or a participant, it is my intention to take full responsibility to acknowledge an error of disrespectful behaviour and/or misdirected judgement. Through acknowledgement, one becomes vulnerable and when one is courageous enough to reveal their vulnerabilities by admitting their wrongs in (and out of) the circle, then opportunity rises for healing to begin. When one acknowledges their disrespect to others in the circle, then the act of disrespect becomes a good teacher for all involved and integrity is offered space to save face.
Circle Sharing is a complex process. Among each of its' members, there is a diversity of life experiences attached, cultural differences and/or cell memory from lifetimes past to mitigate.
The Circle Resolution process, is just that- a process. One must remember that there are no two circles alike. There are times when the circles do not work for everyone and one needs to accept and walk away until all feel safe to return- if they return at all. It is a difficult part of the process to accept that there will be no resolution. Accepting that there will not be reconciliation is a process of its own. Time heals but at the same time, there is no specific time-line for the healing process to occur. One needs to sit and reflect in patience until the healing process comes around full circle in every sense of the word- and it may take generations before reconciliation to occur, or resolution may happen in a 20 minute circle sharing experience. To each his/her own healing process.
If it is not the right time for people to come to terms together, then it's time for all parties to leave the circle, go back to their corners to reflect on their own responsibilities for wrong doings and/or right doings. When people are able to speak from the heart, listen from the heart and represent themselves without placing blame and shame onto others, then a resolution may be the result.
Communication can be very complex. I have my circle work cut out for me, answer to my faults, integrity and dignity to uphold.
It is never too late to call a circle.
April 28th 2018
The Aboriginal Histories lecture series with Elder Lecturer Robert Lovelace of Queens University gifted the listening audience with an insightful understanding of Aboriginal knowledge systems and how Aboriginal ways of viewing the world opens up fresh and creative ideas that can be applied universally: "Indigenous languages are embedded with interpretations of the world as seen by those who use them. Metropolitan languages like modern English, French, Japanese, Mandarin, etc. by contrast are constructed architecturally to express hierarchical ideologies. Understanding this difference is integral to recognizing the variance between Knowledge systems."
The following excerpt of Robert Lovelace's lectures was received by approximately 40 enthusiastic students following the Lanark County Reconciliation movement:
The first peoples' primary means of communication to express their belief systems of Respect and Sharing was reliant on the Indigenous oral language- the first people were true to their word. One going against his word lived without trust, mutual respect and responsibility. Individual expression, freedom in dance, drumming, song and story were and still are highly valued in the community. Indigenous people codify laws through ritual and ceremony and direct face to face contact was to pass knowledge and information along from generation to generation.
The focus on Respect as the quality of courtesy, consideration and esteem which extended through to their language and culture. Closely related to Mutual Respect is the principle of Sharing: the giving and receiving of benefits. Indigenous governance is dependent on consensus and leadership and is characteristic of strength, generosity and tolerance. Sharing must take a form that enhances, rather than diminishes, people’s capacity to contribute to the whole. Transfers that perpetuate relations of dependency, are not the long term solution, rather, the deepest meaning of Responsibility means actualizing through conscious and deliberate effort the principles of Mutual Recognition, Respect and Sharing. Responsibility does not mean taking means taking action. Sharing and reciprocity are important components of many Aboriginal world views.. Responsibility is demonstrated in working for the benefit of yourself and for the others who help to define you. Balance and reciprocity are the objectives and Indigenous laws correlate with natural laws and natural consequences.. (Robert Lovelace Aboriginal History Lectures).
Upholding the responsibility of being true to your word, and raising ones respectful awareness in communication in a non-hierarchal manner will depend on the practice and discipline of face to face contact with our fellow humans. Practicing face-to-face empathetic restorative communication (such as Talking Circles) establishes a reorganization of values and trust with the people present. Appreciating the simple act of mutual sharing of each own's contribution to the whole exemplifies balance and reciprocity.. This balance of respect is a cornerstone to actualizing our conscious efforts to re-establish community not only with each other but within our ecological landscape. Our efforts alongside time and patience establishes an equilibrium shift into a holistic governance that is based on a leadership in sharing strength, generosity, responsibility, mutual recognition and reciprocity.
It is time to take action and time to learn and understand how ancient practices within our local aboriginal history of culture can assist in our practice of Respect as a quality in equality, in courtesy and in consideration for all in need of a caring and sharing community.
The following excerpt of Robert Lovelace's lectures was received by approximately 40 enthusiastic students following the Lanark County Reconciliation movement:
The first peoples' primary means of communication to express their belief systems of Respect and Sharing was reliant on the Indigenous oral language- the first people were true to their word. One going against his word lived without trust, mutual respect and responsibility. Individual expression, freedom in dance, drumming, song and story were and still are highly valued in the community. Indigenous people codify laws through ritual and ceremony and direct face to face contact was to pass knowledge and information along from generation to generation.
The focus on Respect as the quality of courtesy, consideration and esteem which extended through to their language and culture. Closely related to Mutual Respect is the principle of Sharing: the giving and receiving of benefits. Indigenous governance is dependent on consensus and leadership and is characteristic of strength, generosity and tolerance. Sharing must take a form that enhances, rather than diminishes, people’s capacity to contribute to the whole. Transfers that perpetuate relations of dependency, are not the long term solution, rather, the deepest meaning of Responsibility means actualizing through conscious and deliberate effort the principles of Mutual Recognition, Respect and Sharing. Responsibility does not mean taking means taking action. Sharing and reciprocity are important components of many Aboriginal world views.. Responsibility is demonstrated in working for the benefit of yourself and for the others who help to define you. Balance and reciprocity are the objectives and Indigenous laws correlate with natural laws and natural consequences.. (Robert Lovelace Aboriginal History Lectures).
Upholding the responsibility of being true to your word, and raising ones respectful awareness in communication in a non-hierarchal manner will depend on the practice and discipline of face to face contact with our fellow humans. Practicing face-to-face empathetic restorative communication (such as Talking Circles) establishes a reorganization of values and trust with the people present. Appreciating the simple act of mutual sharing of each own's contribution to the whole exemplifies balance and reciprocity.. This balance of respect is a cornerstone to actualizing our conscious efforts to re-establish community not only with each other but within our ecological landscape. Our efforts alongside time and patience establishes an equilibrium shift into a holistic governance that is based on a leadership in sharing strength, generosity, responsibility, mutual recognition and reciprocity.
It is time to take action and time to learn and understand how ancient practices within our local aboriginal history of culture can assist in our practice of Respect as a quality in equality, in courtesy and in consideration for all in need of a caring and sharing community.